Étendre Figma avec le plugin API
Étendre Figma avec le plugin API
1:50 - 2:10P
Créer des plug-ins Figma ? Facile !
2:10 - 2:50P
Des plugins « effet wahou » : les secrets de fabrication des plugins qui décoiffent
1:50 - 2:10P
Beaucoup de choses dans la vie sont effrayantes. S'envoler de Londres dans un tube métallique géant le sera toujours. Mais pas créer des plug-ins Figma. Développons un plug-in ensemble, vous allez voir !
elle / elle
Developer Relations Engineer at Orama
Sara is a developer relations engineer at @AskOrama. A retro game enthusiast and all around nerd.
2:10 - 2:50P
Apprenez à élaborer des plugins Figma auprès de certains leaders du secteur. Cette présentation vous donnera l'occasion d'explorer quelques plugins à couper le souffle et leurs développeurs vous révèleront les secrets de leur création.
Founder at designtips.today
Lichin Lin is a Taiwanese design engineer based in London. He founded designtips.today, through which he builds Figma plugins used by over 120,000 creators worldwide, and writes articles to support the Taiwanese design community. Outside of work, you'll find him playing volleyball or exploring coffee shops in East London.
Senior Software Engineer at Discord
Greg is a senior software engineer on Discord's design systems team, passionate about enhancing workflows with valuable tooling. He is responsible for the development of extensible Figma-to-code pipelines, robust token pipelines, and a variety of Figma plugins. With a decade of experience across building design systems, creating innovative roadmapping and presentation tools, developing bespoke web applications as a consultant, and creating resilient API integrations, Greg brings a wealth of expertise to his role. Outside of work, Greg enjoys playing board games with his friends, hiking in the Colorado Rockies, and losing himself in a good book.
Senior Product Designer at Discord
Bryan is dad of two and a designer who codes, bringing over a decade of experience in creating software. At Discord, he is a founding member of the Design Systems team, responsible for evolving foundational elements across all platforms. Notably, he played a key role in crafting critical aspects of the design system, including the token structure, components, documentation, and the launch of Discord's custom typeface, gg sans. In his free time, he enjoys building tools to enhance the design process, particularly through developing numerous Figma plugins, and sharing his work as open-source projects.
Product Designer at Playground
Aakanksha is a Product Designer at Playground, where she designs AI-powered graphics generation tools. Prior to Playground, she designed rideshare experiences and various simulation and data visualization tools at Cruise and Uber.