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Catch up on the Config 2024 talks you missed.

SponsorS / Ditto

Build your infrastructure for product text with Ditto. Integrate the words you use in your product all the way from draft, to design, to development. Writers, designers, and developers use Ditto to draft, review, and connect product text across the places teams are already working, so everyone has the most up-to-date text without the dreaded copy and paste. Ditto helps teams build a design system for product text, making it easy to build a library of the right copy, iterate and review across teams, and push approved text changes to production in minutes, not months.

Join our Lightening Talk 1:30PM to 1:45PM: “Product text: The powerful UX lever you're ignoring” at the Maker Stage.

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You might be ignoring your product's biggest ROI lever: Your product text

Ditto manages your product text from draft to design to development with a single source of truth.