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A fantastic lineup of speakers across two days, brand activations, additional content from our partners and so much more. There is no official Config after party.
Keynotes will be recorded and available on YouTube the same day.
Please note some sessions have limited viewing times. To ensure you don't miss out, we recommend viewing the sessions you're interested in as soon as possible.
All breakout sessions will be recorded and available on YouTube after Config.
You can find the conference agenda on Log into My Config to save spots at sessions, see your agenda and make changes.
When does the conference begin and end?
The virtual conference will begin on Wednesday, June 26th at 9am PT and wraps on Thursday, June 27th at 4pm PT.
How do I log in the day of the event?
When you register for Config, you’ll be sent a confirmation email with a link—hold on to it! You’ll need that link and your email address the day of the event. On the day of the event, use the link from your confirmation email to log in. Your browser should remember you, so you should only need to log in once.
Once I’m in, how do I join the talks?
The virtual conference will open 15 minutes before programming begins. When you log in, you’ll automatically be taken to the conference site where you can watch the talks.
How can I ensure the best viewing experience?
Streaming quality will adjust according to your devices’ bandwidth, so make sure your connection is strong! We recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox as your browser. The minimum download and upload speed required to join the event without interruption is 2Mbps.
Will ASL be available?
Yes, we will have ASL interpretation.
What is The Leadership Collective at Config?
The Leadership Collective is our Executive Track at Config. The experience is custom tailored for VP+ Leaders at companies around the world. To become a part of this track, you must either apply during the registration process for Config or have received an invitation from Figma. Sold out.
Will content be available in other languages?
Yes! Our content will be translated into French, Spanish, German, Korean and Japanese.
Contact us
Need additional help or have a question not listed? Reach out and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.