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Extending Figma with the plugin API

Building products

June 26, 2024
1:45 - 2:45P PST

Almost full

Extending Figma with the plugin API

1:50 - 2:10P

Creating Figma plugins isn’t scary

2:10 - 2:50P

Plugins like whoa: Craft secrets behind rad plugins

1:50 - 2:10P

Creating Figma plugins isn’t scary

Many things in life are scary. Flying in a big metal tube from London that just flies through the air will always be scary. However, making Figma plugins doesn’t have to be scary. Let's make a plugin, and you can see for yourself!

Sara Vieira


Developer Relations Engineer at Orama

Sara is a developer relations engineer at @AskOrama. A retro game enthusiast and all around nerd.

2:10 - 2:50P

Plugins like whoa: Craft secrets behind rad plugins

Learn how to build Figma plugins from some of the best in the biz — in this showcase, you'll walk through a few mind-blowing plugins, and learn the secrets of how they were made from their developers.